Saturday, October 15, 2011

Misconceptions about Cochlear Implant

[The following information is based primarily on my personal experience of working with children with hearing impairment at “Deaf & Blind School & College - IDA RIEU WELFARE.” This article should not be considered while making a decision of choosing between a hearing aid and a Cochlear implant. The aim here is only to inform and educate people and clear some of their misconceptions.]

1) Difference between a hearing aid and a Cochlear implant.

The most frequently asked question is related to the basic difference between a hearing aid and a Cochlear implant. Many people will consider both one and the same. To begin with, a hearing aid is a device which is used to amplify sound. It is small and fits inside the ear.

Cochlear implant, also known as a bionic ear, uses its own electrical signals to stimulate the auditory nerve (which is not being stimulated) and enables a person to hear. It requires a surgical procedure.

A person can be suffering from a mild, moderate or severe case of hearing loss. In case of mild and moderate cases of hearing lose, hearing aids are considered appropriate. But in case of severe hearing loss, doctor might recommend a cochlear implant. 

Cochlear implant has both, internal and external components. This is not the case with hearing aid. And it also, unlike a hearing aid, requires a surgical procedure.

2) If hearing is restored after the surgery then what is the problem?

The answer here is not that simple. Aside from being very expensive, the first question is of the child’s eligibility. And even after a successful surgical procedure, there are circumstances in which it might not work.

Madam Bilquis Bano, a senior teacher and a section in-charge of secondary school in IDA RIEU, has been working with children with hearing impairment for eight years and has worked with many audiologists, explained that the ideal age is of 12 months and eight years is the maximum age, if we wish to gain maximum benefits out of it.

She further explained that the decision of a hearing aid or Cochlear implant is only the first step. Speech therapy and parents training, which follows next, are often given less importance. Madam Bilquis herself considered parents training very important. Her son Hammad who is 16 years of age was born with hearing impairment but is learning in a regular school with normal-hearing children and scored 76% (Grade-A) in his matriculate examinations. He doesn’t know and need sign language because of his ability of impressive speech. She is the personal advocate of parents training and her son is the proof of it.  

3) Cochlear implant is much better than a hearing aid.

It is advertised these days that a Cochlear implant is better than a hearing aid and that two hearing aids are better than one. It is not true and it all depends upon the condition and severity of the deafness.

A child might not be considered as a proper candidate for the procedure of a Cochlear implant, if he/she is able to hear some sound and speech with the help of hearing aid. Another reason might be that the problem is not with the cochlea (a small curved tube inside the ear, which contains a small part that sends nerve signals to the brain when sounds cause it to vibrate) in the first place. Many people don’t even realize it but a child who has a profound hearing loss for a long period of time, a cochlear implant might be of no use to him/her. And if the hearing nerve is damaged or absent, then in that case, a Cochlear implant wouldn’t even be considered.

There have been many cases in which a child or a person has faced difficulties after switching from hearing aid to the Cochlear implant and vice versa.

4) Cochlear implant is the best available solution

This is mostly believed these days but it is not true. There can be many problems faced after a successful surgery of Cochlear implant. The issue of magnetism is one which will result in MRI restriction. It is advisable to avoid playing rough sports like football etc.   

Cochlear implant team, Mapper or an audiologist have a very important role in all this. The candidate must be thoroughly examined in order to decide whether the cochlear implant is the best or only option. And even after the surgery, the reprogramming session should be on the annual basis, especially if the child is very young. If there are no such personnel in nearby vicinity then it can be a serious problem but it too depends upon many other factors.

In case of Cochlear implant, batteries have low lives and the processor will not give any signal or warning before the batteries are dead. This is very uncomfortable especially in the middle of a conversation.

In case of any damage to the device or to its stimulator there is a possibility of another surgery which might lead to complications.

There are also advantages and disadvantages of hearing aids but the necessity, risk and all the other factors should be considered before opting for anyone of these. This idea of Cochlear implant being better than a hearing aid is not true. The final decision should be of an expert while keeping in consideration all the factors which are directly and indirectly affecting the child.

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